I was thinking the other day of all the cute and horrible things my children say and do and thought I should document them so I don't forget!!
1. "No, be nice Daddy"
(with her finger pointed at me)
Translation: No, be nice to Daddy!
(We were having a "discussion")
2. "What doin?"
She asks me this every two seconds sometimes, it is cute but gets annoying being asked so many times!
3. Hey, Sissy!
(Every time she see's Madison)
4. Emma is our first biter
5. When Emma wants to go outside she gets my shoes and puts them on me, usually on the wrong feet!!
6. "Where Maddie?"
(Sounds like Ma-ee)
7. She copies EVERYTHING her sister does!
(This worries me, although it could be the other way around and that would be worse!!)
8. To her fathers joy she always defends her father when we play around.
1. I asked her how she got so sweet and she said "cause you taught me."
2. "Don't do that or I'll punch you in the nose."
(not in that order, totally different times)
3. Today when we went to Walmart the stuff in the cart were all "her friends."
4. She talks to everything, today it was her ice cream cake!
5. She sings ALL the time about EVERYTHING around her!
6. Mouthwash is "Wash mouth"
7. A fly swatter is a "fly swapper"
8. She loves the Dentist
9. Told her friend the other day when she was coming over to play that they couldn't get the playroom dirty because she just cleaned it.
(proof that she is my child!!)
10. Defends me when her Dad attacks me!!
(I get the one who can actually do something)
To Be Continued.....