Monday, May 12, 2008

Our CrAzY Weekend!!

For starters on Friday we left at four in the morning to go to Montana!! Yeah, that's a 13 hour drive that turned into a 15 hour drive. Due to Madison having to go to the bathroom and me having to get out and walk. When we got there Brad realized he left his bag at home with all of his clothes. Which was especially great since we had Jake's graduation to go to the next morning!!

We went to graduation at 7:30 the next morning which was so great to be able to go to!! Congradulations agian to Jake!! That is so awsome!! Then the girls got to play and we had a BBQ and birthday party for Dallin and Colby ( my nefews.)

Madison got to ride on Lynnie's bike (her first time on a "big girl bike.") Then Sunday morning we got up packed ate breakfast and drove home!! It was so great to see all of the family!! But it was such a quick trip that it was all very rushed!! But I'm so glad that we got to go!!!


Alisha said...

so did brad borrow clothes or did he get a shopping spree?

Lewieville said...

I am so glad that you guys came! It wouldn't have been the same without you!! Love you guys

erin said...

Brad had to borrow clothes from Jake, fortunatly Traci had a washer and dryer we could use for the things he didn't want to borrow!!!!