Sunday, November 30, 2008

Too Cute!!

Those who know Madison know that she is ALWAYS singing!! Sometimes she sings real songs but a lot of the time she makes them up including her cousins and friends!! Well today while I was packing for Washington I heard her in the back round singing. This is what she was singing

"Don't take my Mom's sunshine, Don't take my Mom's sunshine away," after saying that for a while she said "don't take my dad's sunshine aways and don't take my Emma's sunshine away"

Apparently she was listening when I was singing to Emma the other day!! I was so cute!!!

These are my two sunshines


CCmomma said...

so stinkin' cute. Have fun in washington while you are there!

The NV Mingays said...

Love the Christmas dresses! Hope your drive went well. :)

Alisha said...

ha. fun songs