Thursday, December 2, 2010

What a sweetie!

This morning my little rug rat woke up at 5:45! So I grabbed her and put her bed with me. She squirmed for an hour and then got up. While I was still laying in bed I heard her singing
" I love Maddie, I love Maddie all day long!"
My girls are ALWAYS making up songs!! They come up with the funniest things or REALLY sweet things!!
It was so cute!! Then it was followed by "I just went potty and poopy"
Which prompted me to jump out of bed and help her!!
I love that my kids can sing about loving their sister and going to the bathroom in the same song!!
Now that's talent!!


Christensen family said...

That is so cute.

Alisha said...

i just caught up on all your posts. your girls are so cute!

my little girls are OBSESSED with where dresses i drives me nuts!

i used to hate fake trees! now i'm a fan. they are sooo much easier.